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Allen AD:Comments on "A theory of visual pattern perception." IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1971;SMC-1:388-9.

Allen AD: Patterns in motion. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1972;SMC-2:93-7.

Allen AD: Scientific versus judicial fact finding in the United States. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1972;SMC-2:548-50. Reviewed in: Psychology Today (Newsline) April 1973:85-8; American Bar Association Journal February 1974:234-5.

Allen AD: A method for evaluating technical journals on the basis of published comments through fuzzy implications: a survey of the major IEEE transactions. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1973:SMC-3:422-25.

Allen AD: The bootstrap from the perspective of formal logic. Found Physics 1973;3:473-75.

Allen AD: Measuring the empirical properties of sets. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1974;SMC 4:66-73. Reviewed in Behavior Today.

Allen AD: Correcting the concept of denseness for the bootstrap. Int J Theor Physics 1974;9:219-24.

Allen AD: Physical bases for a new theory of motion. Found Physics 1974;4:407-12.

Allen AD: Rotational solutions under the new theory of motion. Int J Theor Physics 1974;11:317-19.

Allen AD: Comments on "A quantitative theory of criminal justice" —Walking the line in societal engineering. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1975;SMC-4:300-3.

Allen AD: The doctors versus the lawyers. Connect Med 1975;39:112-13.

Allen AD: The challenge of cryptography. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1976;SMC-6:64-5.

Allen AD: The big bang is not needed. Found Physics 1976;6:59-63.

Allen AD: A testable Noyes-like interpretation of Panarella's effective-photon theory. Found Physics 1976;7:609-15.

Allen AD: The practical speed of light in real experiments. Spec Sci Tech 1978;1:465-68.

Allen AD: On the possibility of charged photons. Spec Sci Tech 1979;2:9-62.

Allen AD: Additional comments on Zapffe's paper. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:486-87.

Allen AD: Fire of confusion. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:496-98.

Allen AD: Refutation of Newton's theory of gravitation: a parody. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:456-59.

Allen AD: The review process —A private correspondence. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:620-27.

Allen AD: Book review of Aspden H: Physics Unified. Spec Sci Tech 1981;4:579-80.

Allen AD: Some necessary conditions for consciousness, memory as a sixth sense, and related matters. Spec Sci Tech 1981;4:441-45.

Allen AD: An explanation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for proving Fermat's last "theorem." Spec Sci Tech 1983:6:91-2.

Allen AD: Fractals and quantum mechanics. Spec Sci Tech 1983;6:165-70.

Allen AD, Tilkian SM: Depression correlated with cellular immunity in systemic immunodeficient Epstein-Barr virus syndrome (SIDES). J Clin Psychiatry 1986;47:133-35.

Allen AD: Allen replies. J Clin Psychiatry (lett) 1986;47:529-30.

Pitts FN, Jr., Allen AD: Clinical improvement of two patients with T-lymphotropic retrovirus diseases after polio vaccine hyperimmunization. Clin Immunol Immunopath 1987;43:277-80.

Allen AD, Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE, et al: Lake Tahoe mystery disease. Science (lett) 1987; 6 Feb:623.

Allen AD, Fudenberg HH, Allen RE: Affective disorder and viral infections. Arch Gen Psychiatry (lett) 1987;44:760.

Fudenberg HH, Allen AD, Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE: Epstein-Barr virus and depression. Am J Psychiatry (lett) 1987;144:1374.

Allen AD: Modeling AIDS and its treatment with immunostimulation. Med Hypoth 1987;26:55-8.

Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE, Haraszti JS, Allen AD: Improvement of four patients with HIV-1 related symptoms after hyperimmunization with killed poliomyelitis vaccine. Clin Immunol Immunopath 1988:46:167-8.

Allen AD: Creation, evolution, and biological psychiatry. Biol Psychiatry (lett) 1988;23:209.

Allen AD: Time dilation and the spatial interval for which dx/dy is speed. Physics Essays 1988;1:77-8.

Allen AD: Work done on photons during refraction: improved symmetry from a more consistent expression for photon energy. Physics Essays 1988;1:82-4.

Allen AD: Is RA27/3 rubella immunization a cause of chronic fatigue? Med Hypoth 1988;27:217-20.

Allen AD, Ruff MR, Pitts FN, Jr.: Human immunodeficiency virus-neutralizing serum samples in healthy control subjects with resolved subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Arch Dermatol (Vignette)1988;124:1724-25.

Allen AD: The realities of tobacoo addiction. J Clin Psychiatry (lett) 1989;50:148.

Allen AD: Intractable atopic eczema suggests major affective disorder: poor parenting is secondary. Arch Dermatol (lett) 1989;125:567-68.

Allen AD, Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE: Arm cutting and glucose level in depression. Am J Psychiatry (lett) 1989;146:680-81.

Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE, Allen AD: Antibodies to the early antigen of the Epstein-Barr virus in relation to major depression. In: Miller AH, Ed.: Depressive Disorders & Immunity. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC, 1989.

Allen AD: Making moral decision on a double-blinded drug trial in progress without breaking the code: a primer on posterior analysis. Med Decis Making 1989;9:207-16.

Allen AD: Speaking of peer review. Arch Dermatol (lett) 1989;125:1001-2.

Allen AD: Chebyshev's theorem can provide some meaning to commercial laboratory reports. Med Decis Making (lett) 1989;9:300.

Allen AD: Left-right spatial agnosia and other mental defects that characterize clinical researchers. Med Hypoth 1990;31:115-20.

Mathisen GE, Allen AD: Changes in cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma in a patient infected with the human immunodeficiency virus: follow-up to a controlled hyperimmunization trial. Arch Dermatol (Vignette)1990;126: 833-34.

Allen AD: A less arbitrary method for inferring cause and effect. Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, November 4-7, 1990. IEEE Press, New York NY.

Allen AD: Randomized emulation of empirical systems. Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, November 4-7, 1990. IEEE Press, N
ew York NY.

Allen AD: A less arbitrary method for inferring cause and effect: generalization of a medical model. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1991;21:339-46.

Allen AD: A computer simulation of the natural history of HIV infection: insights and implications. Med Hypoth 1991:35:122-25.

Mathisen GE, Allen AD: Inactivated polio vaccine hyperimmunization in adults with HIV disease: a placebo controlled study. AIDS 1992;6:737-51.

Allen AD: Debunking Mermin's contraption. Physics Essays 1992;5:178-9.

Allen AD: Lymphocyte counts versus percentages. Am J Hematol 1993;42:409.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE: A pilot study on the use of self-mononuclear cell vaccines for tertiary prevention in early HIV disease. AIDS 1993;7:743-44.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE, Glover N, Au J: HIV and AIDS. Science (lett) 1993;260:1706-7.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE, Glover N, Au J: Immunization against the HIV-associated, anti-self, anti-CD4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte (ASCTL). AIDS 1993;7:1130-1.

DeLeon-Jones F, Allen AD, Chriss D: Advising AIDS patients who participate in clinical trials. AIDS Patient Care Feb 1994:33-34.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE, Leader W, Slattery M: T cell homeostasis in HIV infection: new evidence. J AIDS 1994;7:627.

Allen AD, Hart DN, Hechinger MJ, Slattery MJ, Chesson CV, Vidikan P: Leukocyte adhesion molecules as a cofactor in AIDS: Basic science and pilot study. Med Hypoth 1995;45:164-68.

Allen AD, Hillis TJ, Vidikan V, Beer VL: Pitfalls in the use of surrogate markers for HIV disease: further evidence on pathogenesis. Med Hypoth 1996;47:27-30.

Allen AD: A coin-tossing experiment that demonstrates stochastic interactions between statistically independent events. Physics Essays 1988;11:579-584.

Allen, AD: A novel use of very long baseline interferometry to photograph past events for stellar and planetary sciences: Implications for basic theory. Physics Essays 1998;11:132-136.

Allen AD: Deconstructing the natural units. Physics Essays 2001;14:4-5.

Allen AD: Time moves backward (relative to near-Earth telescopes) for receding galaxies. Physics Essays 2006;19:649-651.

Allen AD: Nuanced relativity: the general equation. Physics Essays 2007;20:42-45.

Allen AD: There is no horizon problem: Statistically independent waves from the cosmic microwave background. Physics Essays 2009;22:171-172.

Allen AD: The age of the Universe is twice the standard estimate. Physics Essays 2009;22:344-347.

Allen AD: Frame dragging on flybys. Physics Today 2010;63:8.

Allen AD: The primordial cosmic atom. Physics Essays 2011;24:562-563.

Allen AD: Analyses of dimensionless science. Physics Today 2012;65:12.

Allen AD: The weatherman who fell down a black hole: What he can teach us about reality. Physics

Allen AD: Dark Experiments: From Black Holes to Cosmic Rays. Journal of Modern Physics 2012;3:955-956.

Allen AD: State of The Art in Cardiac Intervention: A Case Report. International Journal of Clinical Medicine 2012;3(7):628-632.

Allen AD: When moving clocks run fast. Physics Essays 2013: 26(1);58-60.

Allen AD: Finite Gravity: From The Big Bang to Dark Matter. Inter. J. Astron. Astrophys. 2013: 3(2);180-182.

Allen AD: Implications of rare neurological disorders and perceptual errors in natural and synthetic consciousness. World Journal of Neuroscience 2013;3:234-239.

Allen AD: Mortality and morbidity due to the failure to treat mild anemia unrelated to cancer in elderly Americans--Review of the literature and case presentation. Advances in Aging Research 2013; 2(4):154-159.

Allen AD: Self-contradictions from the excessive use of natural units. Journal of Modern Physics; 2014 5: 383-386. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2014.56049.

Allen AD: Quantum Effects from a Simple Card Game. Journal of Modern Physics; 2014 5: 1999-2002. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2014.518195

Allen AD: Lost Immune Markers for Major Affective Disorders: Could They Help Screen Airline Pilots? International Journal of Clinical Medicine 2015;6:285-288.

Allen, AD: The Forbidden Sentient Computer: Recent Progress in the Electronic Monitoring of Consciousness. IEEE Access; 2016,4:5649-5658. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2607722

Allen, AD: Death and Modern Science: Hidden Connections, Profound Implications, and a Question of Hope. Open Journal of Philosophy; 2017, 7:94-103.

Allen, A.D. Algorithms that extract knowledge from fuzzy big data: Conserving traditional science (2017) Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 32 (2017) 3689–3694

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Allen AD: Epstein-Barr a causative cofactor. 3 May 1986.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE: Staying alive. 17 March 1990.

Allen AD: Beautiful computer-generated faces. 21 July 1990.

Allen AD: Vexing vaccines. 12 Oct 1991.

Allen AD: No free lunch. 19 Oct 1991.




Allen AD: The bootstrap from the perspective of formal logic. Found Physics 1973;3:473-75.

Allen AD: Correcting the concept of denseness for the bootstrap. Int J Theor Physics 1974;9:219-24.

Allen AD: Physical bases for a new theory of motion. Found Physics 1974;4:407-12.

Allen AD: Rotational solutions under the new theory of motion. Int J Theor Physics 1974;11:317-19.

Allen AD: The big bang is not needed. Found Physics 1976;6:59-63.

Allen AD: A testable Noyes-like interpretation of Panarella's effective-photon theory. Found Physics 1976;7:609-15.

Allen AD: The practical speed of light in real experiments. Spec Sci Tech 1978;1:465-68.

Allen AD: On the possibility of charged photons. Spec Sci Tech 1979;2:9-62.

Allen AD: Additional comments on Zapffe's paper. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:486-87.

Allen AD: Book review of Aspden H: Physics Unified. Spec Sci Tech 1981;4:579-80.

Allen AD: Fractals and quantum mechanics. Spec Sci Tech 1983;6:165-70.

Allen AD: Time dilation and the spatial interval for which dx/dy is speed. Physics Essays 1988;1:77-8.

Allen AD: Work done on photons during refraction: improved symmetry from a more consistent expression for photon energy. Physics Essays 1988;1:82-4.

Allen AD: Debunking Mermin's contraption. Physics Essays 1992;5:178-9.

Allen AD: A coin-tossing experiment that demonstrates stochastic interactions between statistically independent events. Physics Essays 1988;11:579-584.

Allen AD: A novel use of very long baseline interferometry to photograph past events for stellar and planetary sciences: Implications for basic theory. Physics Essays 1998;11:132-136.

Allen AD: Deconstructing the natural units. Physics Essays 2001;14:4-5.

Allen AD: Time moves backward (relative to near-Earth telescopes) for receding galaxies. Physics Essays 2006;19:649-651.

Allen AD: Nuanced relativity: the general equation. Physics Essays 2007;20:42-45.

Allen AD: There is no horizon problem: Statistically independent waves from the cosmic microwave background. Physics Essays 2009;22:171-172.

Allen AD: The age of the Universe is twice the standard estimate. Physics Essays 2009;22:344-347.

Allen AD: Frame dragging on flybys. Physics Today 2010;63:8.

Allen AD: The primordial cosmic atom. Physics Essays 2011;24:562-563.

Allen AD: Analyses of dimensionless science. Physics Today 2012;65:12.

Allen AD: The weatherman who fell down a black hole: What he can teach us about reality. Physics Essays 2012;25:76-83.

Allen AD: Dark Experiments: From Black Holes to Cosmic Rays. Journal of Modern Physics 2012;3:955-956.

Allen AD: When moving clocks run fast. Physics Essays 2013:26(1);58-60.

Allen AD: Finite Gravity: From The Big Bang to Dark Matter. Inter. J. Astron. Astrophys. 2013: 3(2);180-182.

Allen AD: Self-contradictions from the excessive use of natural units. Journal of Modern Physics; 2014 5:383-386. doi:10.4236/jmp.2014.56049.

Allen AD: Quantum Effects from a Simple Card Game. Journal of Modern Physics; 2014 5: 1999-2002. doi:10.4236/jmp.2014.518195

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Allen AD: Comments on "A theory of visual pattern perception." IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1971;SMC-1:388-9.

Allen AD: Patterns in motion. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1972;SMC-2:93-7.

Allen AD: A method for evaluating technical journals on the basis of published comments through fuzzy implications: a survey of the major IEEE transactions. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1973:SMC-3:422-25.

Allen AD: Measuring the empirical properties of sets. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1974;SMC-4:66-73. Reviewed in Behavior Today.

Allen AD: Comments on "A quantitative theory of criminal justice" —Walking the line in societal engineering. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1975;SMC-4:300-3.

Allen AD: The challenge of cryptography. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1976;SMC-6:64-5.

Allen AD: A less arbitrary method for inferring cause and effect. Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, November 4-7, 1990. IEEE Press, New York, NY.

Allen AD: Randomized emulation of empirical systems. Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, November 4-7, 1990. IEEE Press, New York NY.

Allen AD: A less arbitrary method for inferring cause and effect: generalization of a medical model. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1991;21:339-46.

Allen AD: The forbidden sentient computer: Recent progress in the electronic monitoring of consciousness. IEEE Access 2016;4: 5649-5658.

Allen, A.D. Algorithms that extract knowledge from fuzzy big data: Conserving traditional science (2017) Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 32 (2017) 3689–3694



Allen AD: Scientific versus judicial fact finding in the United States. IEEE Trans Syst,Man,Cybern1972;SMC-2:548-50. Reviewed in: Psychology Today (Newsline) April 1973:85-8; American Bar Association Journal February 1974: 234-5.

Allen AD: Fire of confusion. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:496-98.

Allen AD: Refutation of Newton's theory of gravitation: a parody. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:456-59.

Allen AD: The review process —A private correspondence. Spec Sci Tech 1980;3:620-27.

Allen AD: An explanation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for proving Fermat's last "theorem." SpecSci Tech 1983;6:91-2.

Allen AD: Speaking of peer review. Arch Dermatol (lett) 1989;125:1001-2.

Allen AD: Left-right spatial agnosia and other mental defects that characterize clinical researchers. Med Hypoth 1990;31:115-20.



Allen AD: Some necessary conditions for consciousness, memory as a sixth sense, and related matters. SpecSci Tech 1981;4:441-45.

Allen AD: Implications of rare neurological disorders and perceptual errors in natural and synthetic consciousness. World Journal of Neuroscience 2013;3:234-239.

Allen, AD: The Forbidden Sentient Computer: Recent Progress in the Electronic Monitoring of Consciousness. IEEE Access; 2016, 4: 5649-5658. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2607722





Allen AD, Tilkian SM: Depression correlated with cellular immunity in systemic immunodeficient Epstein-Barr virus syndrome (SIDES). J Clin Psychiatry 1986;47:133-35.

Allen AD: Dr. Allen replies. J Clin Psychiatry (lett) 1986;47:529-30.

Allen AD, Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE, et al: Lake Tahoe mystery disease. Science (lett) 1987;6 Feb:623.

Allen AD, Fudenberg HH, Allen RE: Affective disorder and viral infections. Arch Gen Psychiatry (lett)1987;44:760.

Fudenberg HH, Allen AD, Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE: Epstein-Barr virus and depression. Am J Psychiatry (lett)1987;144:1374.

Allen AD: Creation, evolution, and biological psychiatry. Biol Psychiatry (lett) 1988;23:209.

Allen AD: Intractable atopic eczema suggests major affective disorder: poor parenting is secondary. Arch Dermatol (lett) 1989;125:567-68.

Allen AD, Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE: Arm cutting and glucose level in depression. Am J Psychiatry (lett) 1989;146:680-81.

Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE, Allen AD: Antibodies to the early antigen of the Epstein-Barr virus in relation to major depression. In: Miller AH, Ed.: Depressive Disorders & Immunity. American Psychiatric Press, WashingtonDC, 1989.

Allen, AD: Lost Immune Markers for Major Affective Disorders: Could They Help Screen Airline Pilots? International Journal of Clinical Medicine 2015;6: 285-288.

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Pitts FN, Jr., Allen AD: Clinical improvement of two patients with T-lymphotropic retrovirus diseases after polio vaccine hyperimmunization. Clin Immunol Immunopath 1987;43:277-80.

Allen AD: Modeling AIDS and its treatment with immunostimulation. Med Hypoth 1987;26:55-8.

Pitts FN, Jr., Allen RE, Haraszti JS, Allen AD: Improvement of four patients with HIV-1 related symptoms after hyperimmunization with killed poliomyelitis vaccine. Clin Immunol Immunopath 1988;46:167-8.

Allen AD, Ruff MR, Pitts FN, Jr.: Human immunodeficiency virus-neutralizing serum samples in healthy control subjects with resolved subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Arch Dermatol (Vignette) 1988;124:1724-25.

Mathisen GE, Allen AD: Changes in cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma in a patient infected with the human immunodeficiency virus: follow-up to a controlled hyperimmunization trial. Arch Dermatol (Vignette) 1990;126: 833-34.

Allen AD: A less arbitrary method for inferring cause and effect: generalization of a medical model. IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1991;21:339-46.

Allen AD: A computer simulation of the natural history of HIV infection: insights and implications. Med Hypoth 1991:35:122-25.

Mathisen GE, Allen AD: Inactivated polio vaccine hyperimmunization in adults with HIV disease: a placebo controlled study. AIDS 1992;6:737-51.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE: A pilot study on the use of self-mononuclear cell vaccines for tertiary prevention in early HIV disease. AIDS 1993;7:743-44.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE, Glover N, Au J: HIV and AIDS. Science (lett) 1993;260:1706-7.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE, Glover N, Au J: Immunization against the HIV-associated, anti-self, anti-CD4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte (ASCTL). AIDS 1993;7:1130-1.

DeLeon-Jones F, Allen AD, Chriss D: Advising AIDS patients who participate in clinical trials. AIDS Patient Care Feb 1994:33-34.

Allen AD, Mathisen GE, Leader W, Slattery M: T cell homeostasis in HIV infection: new evidence. J AIDS 1994;7:627.

Allen AD, Hart DN, Hechinger MJ, Slattery MJ, Chesson CV, Vidikan P: Leukocyte adhesion molecules as a cofactor in AIDS: Basic science and pilot study. Med Hypoth 1995;45:164-8.

Allen AD, Hillis TJ, Vidikan V, Beer VL: Pitfalls in the use of surrogate markers for HIV disease: further evidence on pathogenesis. Med Hypoth 1996;47:27-30.



Allen AD: The doctors versus the lawyers. Connect Med 1975;39:112-13.

Allen AD: Is RA27/3 rubella immunization a cause of chronic fatigue? Med Hypoth 1988;27:217-20.

Allen AD: The realities of tobacoo addiction. J Clin Psychiatry (lett) 1989;50:148.

Allen AD: Making moral decision on a double-blinded drug trial in progress without breaking the code: a primer on posterior analysis. Med Decis Making 1989;9:207-16.

Allen AD: Chebyshev's theorem can provide some meaning to commercial laboratory reports. Med Decis Making (lett) 1989;9:300.

Allen AD: Lymphocyte counts versus percentages. Am J Hematol 1993;42:409.

Allen AD: State of The Art in Cardiac Intervention: A Case Report. International Journal of Clinical Medicine 2012;3(7):628-632.

Allen AD: Mortality and morbidity due to the failure to treat mild anemia unrelated to cancer in elderly Americans—Review of the literature and case presentation. Advances in Aging Research 2013;2(4):154-159.



Allen, AD: Death and Modern Science: Hidden Connections, Profound Implications, and a Question of Hope. Open Journal of Philosophy;2017, 7: 94-103.

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Illustration from Psychology Today's review of Allen AD: "Scientific versus judicial fact finding in the United States." Originally published in the peer-review journal IEEE Trans Syst, Man, Cybern 1972;SMC-2:548-50. Used with permission.